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Guide to Choosing the Right Walking Aid for Mobility Support

Guide to Choosing the Right Walking Aid for Mobility Support

Mobility issues can have a significant impact on an individual's ability to move around and participate in daily activities. Thankfully, there are many assistive devices that can help people with mobility challenges regain their independence, such as walking frames. When choosing a walking frame, there are several factors to consider to ensure that the device is comfortable, safe, and effective for the user. One of the most important considerations is the type of walking frame that is best suited to the individual's needs. Types of Walking Aids There are several types of walking aids available, each with its unique features and...

Apr 30, 2023 0 comments

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3 Types of Mobility Aids to Help You Stay Mobile

3 Types of Mobility Aids to Help You Stay Mobile

If your mobility has been compromised due to injury or old age, then you may need to consider using a mobility aid to stay mobile. By staying mobile you can continue with your day to day activities, and participate in social gatherings. But to reap all the benefits of mobility aids, you need to choose the right one to suit you specific needs and also: Provides proper postural support Is easily adjusted to your specific height Is safe to use for your weight range Today we'll focus on the three types of mobility aids and the role they play in...

Feb 12, 2023 0 comments

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7 Essential Mobility Aids to Reduce Risk of Falls in Elderly People

7 Essential Mobility Aids to Reduce Risk of Falls in Elderly People

As we age, we are at increased risk of falls due to impaired cognitive and motor function, and it is essential that we utilise various mobility aids to make our home as safe as possible, and reduce the risk of falls. In this blog post, we will cover the seven essential mobility aids to help you maintain your mobility, independence and freedom, but also reduce the risk of falls. Table of Content Non Slip Mats Grab Bars and Rails For Bathroom Over Toilet Frames Couch Stand Assists Bedside Rails Rollator Walkers Conclusion Non Slip Mats for Shower and Bathtub It...

Jan 11, 2023 0 comments

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